Faster compilation with the parallel


The compiler is split into two halves: the front-end and the back-end.

The front-end does many things, including:

  • parsing / type checking / borrow checking.
  • It uses Rayon to perform compilation tasks using fine-grained parallelism.

The back-end performs code generation:

  • It generates code in chunks called "codegen units" and then LLVM processes these in parallel.
  • This is a form of coarse-grained parallelism

Rust compilation has long benefited from interprocess parallelism, via Cargo, and from intraprocess parallelism in the back-end. It can now also benefit from intraprocess parallelism in the front-end

The compiler uses the jobserver protocol to limit the number of threads it creates.

How to use

# 安装最新 nightly 版本:rustc 1.75.0-nightly 以上
rustup default nightly 

RUSTFLAGS="-Z threads=8" cargo build --release


rustflags = ["-Z", "threads=8"]